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One Platform Program for a Manufacturing & Distribution Company

Client Overview

A client in the manufacturing and distribution industry had a long and storied history of innovation and technological advancements. This organization consists of two global business segments and employs more than 4,700 people in over 60 locations throughout the world.

Recognition Goals

  • One cohesive recognition initiative.
  • Wanted a way for all employees to interact via the web.
  • Looking to enhance product/gift offering to their employees.
  • Wanted a one-stop solution.


One platform was created to support many solutions to meet the needs of this client. To meet the specific goals outlined by the company, programs were created to include Spotlight Recognition, Living Mission and Values, and Employee of the Year. Two nomination sites were created for the client – Take a Bow and Star Awards. A website was created to host these programs put in place to recognize top achievers within the organization. The Bravo recognition site is used as a tool for employees to view and interact.


  • The Encore award, a new team recognition award, is a simple and easy way to recognize team achievement by the team leader for any special event. It received much attention and was used by ten team leaders shortly after its inception.
  • The Spotlight Recognition Program, a first time Peer-to-Peer program was used over 400 times in the first seven months to recognize “Something Special” in another employee.
  • Ecard, a congratulatory program, has become a very popular part of everyday life within the company. Over 600 ecards have been sent in the seven months since the program started.
  • The custom nomination platform has been very successful with its ability to track and monitor nomination progress.


"This comprehensive recognition system has resulted in new programs and processes to drive the behaviors of our employees that lead to the achievement of both individual and organizational goals."

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