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Noncash Incentives Vital Components at Top Organizations

Cash is king when it comes to compensation, but it’s not the only game in town. Newresearch shows that for business-to-business sales professionals, non-cashincentives are critical in motivating and rewarding sales behaviors. A newresearch report by Aberdeen Group, distributed by the Incentive Research Foundation(IRF), Incenting Success: Best-in-Class Sales Management, explores how a“total rewards” model can help inspire peak sales performance. Looking at themotivational strategies of Best-in-Class companies (the top 20%) vs. theindustry average (the middle 50%) and so-called “laggard” firms (the bottom30%), researchers found:

·       Best-in-Class companies are 31% more likely to consider noncashincentives a sales performance management “must-have”

·       76% of Best-in-Class companies use public recognition to motivateperformance vs. a 62% industry average and just 55% of laggard firms

·       Best-in-Class firms are focusing less on cash as a salesmotivator than they were a year ago (76% today vs. 98%), meaning non-cashcompensation’s share in the total rewards mix is increasing.

To learn more about these and other findings, or to download a copy of Incenting Success: Best-in-Class Sales Management, go to The Incentive Research Foundation's site.


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